Category |
Code |
Definition |
Census_Year |
The census year in which the individual’s information was captured. |
University_Id |
The CCRI data entry centre responsible for capturing the individual’s information. |
Dwelling_Id |
Key Data Variables |
This number identifies a dwelling or sample point within a census year and university centre. |
Household_Id |
This number identifies a household within a census year and university centre. |
Individual_Id |
This number identifies an individual within a census year and university centre. |
CCRIUID_1911 |
Geographical Data Variables |
Geographic location unique identifier. The CCRIUID is a field generated by the CCRI Geocoding teams to uniquely identify the province, district and subdistrict that the individual resided in for the census year in which they were recorded. |
Derived_Dwelling_Id |
The derived dwelling id was generated by sorting all the individuals within an extract by the CCRIUID and then assigning a sequential number. Each unique dwelling ID got a derived ID. This was added to give a sequential number that was consistent by CCRIUID location throughout the extract. |
Derived_Household_Id |
The derived household id was generated by sorting all the individuals within an extract by the CCRIUID and them assigning a sequential number. Each unique household ID got a derived ID. This was added to give a sequential number that was consistent by CCRIUID location throughout the extract. |
Derived_Individual_Id |
The derived individual id was generated by sorting all the individuals within an extract by the CCRIUID and then assigning a sequential number. Each individual got a derived ID. This was added to give a sequential number that was consistent by CCRIUID location throughout the extract. |
Derived_Household_Id_In_Dwelling |
Households within a dwelling were identified and assigned a sequence number unique within the current dwelling |
Derived_Person_Num_In_Household |
Individuals were assigned a sequence number that was unique within their household. |
Derived_Person_Num_In_Dwelling |
Individuals were assigned a number that was unique throughout their dwelling. |
Derived_Surname_Number |
The surname number aids in identifying families within a dwelling and household. Each unique family name was assigned a number within a dwelling. |
Derived_Age_In_Years |
Age in the CCRI database was split between two columns, Age Amount and Age Unit. In order to harmonize these two variables this particular column was generated. The Age amount was multiplied or divided based on the expected unit (Years) and the corresponding Age Unit. For instance 4 months would be divided by 12 to arrive at 0.333 years. An age of zero results when the source columns do not have valid values available. In the extract a zero derived age has been replaced with the code 99999001 (Blank). |
Population_Size |
Population size was recorded by the data entry operators at time of sample point selection. It records whether the dwelling is considered to be Large or Regular. Large dwellings were 31 individuals or more. |
Dwelling_Unit_Type |
The dwelling unit type was captured by the data entry operators during sample point selection. It records whether the dwelling is Single Unit or Multi Unit. This only applies to Large Dwellings. Regular Dwellings were marked as (UU) – Undefined Unit. |
Province |
The province recorded by the data entry operators from the Census Schedule Header. |
District_Number |
Enumeration District number recorded by the data entry operators from the Census Schedule Header. |
Sub_District_Number |
Enumeration Sub district number recorded by the data entry operators from the Census Schedule Header. |
Census_Form_Id |
Refers to the census form (often called “schedule”) from which data was captured. (For example, in 1921 three census forms were used: 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C). |
District_Name |
The DISTRICT_NAME refers to the District name being enumerated on the census schedule header. It was captured by the data entry operators during data entry process. |
Sub_District_Name |
The SUB_DISTRICT_NAME refers to the name of the sub-district being enumerated on the census schedule header. It was captured by the data entry operators during data entry process. |
Enumerator_First_Name |
The enumerator's first name recorded by the data entry operators from the Census Schedule Header. |
Enumerator_Last_Name |
The enumerator's last name recorded by the data entry operators from the Census Schedule Header. |
Region |
The City, Town, Village, Township, or Parish recorded by the data entry operators from the Census Schedule Header. |