Variable Category Code Definition
CAN_WRITE_INDICATOR [View] Refers to the ability of the person enumerated to write in any language.
IN_SCHOOL_MONTHS_AMOUNT Education Variables [View] Refers to the number of months the person attended an institution of learning in the reference period as determined per census enumeration (see remarks).
RELIGION Identity Variables [View] Refers to the religious denomination, sect, or community to which the person adheres or belongs, or to which the person favours.
BLIND [View] Refers to the age when the person enumerated became incapable of seeing.
DEAF_AND_DUMB [View] Refers to the age when the person enumerated became incapable of hearing and speaking (loss of hearing without loss of speech was not noted).
IDIOTIC_OR_SILLY [View] Refers to the age when the person enumerated became idiotic or silly, as understood at the time of enumeration. It is not necessary that the degree of infirmity should be absolute or total, but that it should be so sufficiently marked in any one of the classes as to have reached the stage of incapacity.
CRAZY_OR_LUNATIC [View] Refers to the age when the person enumerated became crazy or lunatic, as understood at the time of enumeration. It is not necessary that the degree of infirmity should be absolute or total, but that it should be so sufficiently marked in any one of the classes as to have reached the stage of incapacity.
OCCUPATION_CHIEF_OCC_IND_CL Means of Living Variables None
OCCUPATION_CHIEF_OCC_IND [View] Refers to the principal occupation or type of work by which person earns his or her means of living.
OTHER_EMPLOYMENT [View] Refers to any employment done to supplement earnings from chief or regular employment.
CHIEF_OCCUPATION_CODE_1 [View] The first part of the three-part occupation code that was used in 1911 to classify the individual's occupation .
CHIEF_OCCUPATION_CODE_2 [View] The second part of the three-part occupation code that was used in 1911 to classify the individual's occupation .
CHIEF_OCCUPATION_CODE_3 [View] The third part of the three-part occupation code that was used in 1911 to classify the individual's occupation .
PLACE_OF_EMPLOYMENT Means of Living Variables None Refers to the name of the place where the responder is employed.
EMPLOYEE [View] Refers to persons working for a salary or wages.
EMPLOYER Means of Living Variables [View] Refers to persons who employ others in the operation of their business or enterprise.
WORKING_ON_OWN_ACCOUNT [View] Refers to persons working independently, who are neither employees nor employers. Usually small storekeepers, independent craftsmen, farmers, or professionals.
HOURS_WORKED_CHIEF_OCC [View] Refers to the usual number of hours worked per week at chief place of occupation.
HOURS_WORKED_OTHER_OCC [View] Refers to the usual number of hours worked per week at secondary place of occupation.
WEEKS_WORKING_CHIEF_OCC [View] Refers to the number of weeks spent working at chief occupation or trade, listed in column 17, between January 1, 1910 and December 31, 1910.
WEEKS_WORKING_OTHER_OCC None Refers to the number of weeks spent working at other than chief occupation or trade, listed in column 18, between January 1, 1910 and December 31, 1910.
RATE_OF_EARNINGS_PER_HOUR None Refers to the hourly rate of pay for those persons receiving an hourly wage as opposed to a salary or a daily or weekly wage.
EARNINGS_AT_CHIEF_OCC Means of Living Variables [View] Refers to the amount of money earned by the person being enumerated at their chief occupation or trade between January 1, 1910 and December 31, 1910.
EARNINGS_AT_OTHER_OCC [View] Refers to the amount of money earned by the person being enumerated between January 1, 1910 to December 31, 1910.
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